Cassie McAllister

Cassie McAllister

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Cassie is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Cockroach Labs. Her focus is on vertical marketing and telling customer stories. She's been in the database world for the past 5 years and previously worked in communications for cybersecurity companies. In her free time, you can find her at the beach, sipping wine, or skiing down a mountain.

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[image] IAM 1


Reference Architecture

Building a real-world IAM system: centralized vs. distributed

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been locked out of your banking app, a hotel room, your work computer, your car, your Gmail… the list goes on. You know the reason your access was blocked was because you either forgot your keys/password or had the incorrect login credentials. Businesses of every kind implement identity and access management (IAM) systems for your protection, and their own. Failure to protect humans and resources can easily result in devastating consequences.

Cassie McAllister

Cassie McAllister

January 8, 2025



Comparing CockroachDB and PostgreSQL

Before we begin a comparison blog post about PostgreSQL, we must first acknowledging that it is one of the most reliable and widely used databases in the history of software. The world owes a debt of gratitude to the open source community that has built and supported this important project for the last 35 years. In this post, we unpack some of the architectural differences between PostgreSQL and CockroachDB. We’ll point out where the limitations of single server, single instance architecture might pose challenges for modern cloud infrastructure, and how a distributed foundation can be a better solution for your apps and services.

Cassie McAllister

Cassie McAllister

January 6, 2025

12 mission critical use cases cockroachdb book header


From Resilience to Scale: 12 Mission-Critical Use Cases Backed by CockroachDB

If you’ve paid a bill online, ordered an item from your favorite ecommerce site, or navigated a series of security steps to verify your identity, then you’ve interacted with the types of services powered by CockroachDB. Let's discuss 12 common use cases for CockroachDB.

Cassie McAllister

Cassie McAllister

May 7, 2024



The limitations of PostgreSQL in financial services

PostgreSQL has more than 35 years of active development under its belt making it one of the most powerful and reliable relational database management systems (RDBMS). Even today it’s the fourth most popular database in the world, backed by a global community of dedicated supporters. It’s a good fit for business critical workloads because PostgreSQL delivers a highly stable foundation and is ACID compliant. This is also why it’s often used in financial services and for use cases that handle money.

Cassie McAllister

Cassie McAllister

April 23, 2024



How simplified their architecture for metadata storage

For organizations that want to avoid risk the first step is often to safeguard their most important asset: data. Data loss usually happens by accident (primarily human error and system failures) and not because of malicious intent or bad actors. Maybe an employee neglects to update their software, or an entire cloud region goes down, or there’s an unexpected influx of traffic that the company wasn’t prepared for – we’ve all heard of or have been part of these stories. Recently, data protection has become more complicated because businesses are running many applications in the cloud that employees are accessing on a daily basis. The more applications, the more risk.

Cassie McAllister

Cassie McAllister

April 4, 2024

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