
Dan Kelly

Sr. Technical Content Marketing Manager

Dan has been producing technical blogs, videos, whitepapers, and webinars at Cockroach Labs for the last 4+ years. His mission is to identify the most pressing problems developers face and to create content to solve them. Outside of work Dan is usually chasing his three year old daughter or cooking something indulgent.

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The history of databases at Netflix: From Cassandra to CockroachDB

In 2008, after Netflix pivoted from DVD-by-mail to streaming, they were running the streaming service on premise and suffered a 3-day outage. That was the beginning of their move to the cloud. First they moved to AWS. Then, in 2014, they adopted (and popularized!) Cassandra to support their need for global replication. In this two-part presentation, Netflix Senior Software Engineers Shengwei Wang and Shahar Zimmerman explain why Netflix has adopted CockroachDB and how they’re deploying it.


Dan Kelly

November 27, 2023



How Starburst builds highly available global applications with low read latency

Delivering low latency across regions is a hard problem to solve. Maintaining high availability when an application is spread out all over the world is also hard. Starburst is only a five-year-old company but they’re already handling exabytes of scale across a five-region deployment; keeping read-latencies low everywhere.


Dan Kelly

November 22, 2023

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