I'm an Ex-Advertising Agency Creative Technologist. I use my concept, design and development skills that span the entire stack to produce product demos that meet at the intersection of software engineering, and creative storytelling.
The Art of Data Residency and Application Architecture
In this post Rob and I explain how we built Silo, a fully functioning multi-region Next.js application combining CockroachDB multi-region serverless and a multi-region Node.js (Lambda) API backed by a Geographically aware Route 53 Hosted Zone. Both the API and CockroachDB have been deployed to AWS. The Next.js app has been deployed using Vercel. There are a number of reasons why you’d want to choose a multi-region strategy; to optimize latency, maintain high availability and, in some cases, to comply with regional regulations. But, rather than tell you about the benefits, I’d like to show you.
Paul Scanlon
May 17, 2023
What is the CockroachDB Cloud API and why should you use It?
In this post you’ll learn about the CockroachDB Cloud API and how I’ve used it to create an application Dashboard with Next.js. Using the API you can build a custom interface to meet your organization’s needs, or perform various tasks relating to your database infrastructure. I’ll also explain how I’ve used NextAuth.js to create conditional authorization rules to facilitate greater control over the functionality. You can get a feel for what I’ve built using the links below. 🚀 Preview: https://www.cockroachlabs.com/demos/demo-cloud-api/ ⚙️ GitHub: https://github.com/cockroachdb/demo-cloud-api/
Paul Scanlon
April 5, 2023
Converting cloud provider regions into country flags
Learn how Paul created an open source JavaScript utility package to help convert cloud provider region codes into real locations and country flags.
Paul Scanlon
February 17, 2023