Antithesis of a One-in-a-Million Bug: Taming Demonic Nondeterminism
Stan Rosenberg
March 21, 2024
How we stress test and benchmark CockroachDB for global scale
How do we know what our database is actually capable of? We test it. A lot. Here's a summary of some of the tests and benchmarks we run regularly to ensure CockroachDB is performant even at global scale.
Stan Rosenberg
January 25, 2024
Stan Rosenberg: Driving quality with Test Engineering
What does a Test Engineer do? The Test Engineering team (TestEng) is a new and exciting team embedded within Engineering. We are accomplished engineers on a quest for higher quality. Collectively, we have built complex and impressive software systems at startups and big tech, written test frameworks and program analysis tools; and even applied formal verification and automated reasoning. We have done all of those things and more while obsessing about correctness and performance, yet never quite achieving nirvana.
Stan Rosenberg
March 21, 2022