
A Powerful Partnership: How Cockroach Labs and mLogica Accelerate Mainframe and Legacy Database Modernizations

Last edited on June 6, 2024

0 minute read

    Moving past mainframes is a big decision, but it’s the right choice for a growing number of enterprises. The agility and scalability of cloud architectures are proving too advantageous for organizations to ignore, as they race to gain a competitive edge. 

    In planning their migration away from mainframes and monolithic databases – which have been a fixture of IT infrastructure for over 50 years – CIOs are seeking faster time-to-market, to shore up the business risks of system failure and downtime, and address the security vulnerabilities of legacy systems. They’re also mindful of the mainframe talent drain, which is seeing mainframe experts gradually age out. 

    Cockroach Labs’ recently announced partnership with mLogica, a leader in enterprise modernization, provides an essential solution. Our collaboration can significantly reduce the risks, costs, complexity, and time-to-value of modernization from mainframe environments and monolithic legacy databases. The native integration of CockroachDB into mLogica's GenAI-powered automation solutions accelerates enterprise migrations to a modern PostgreSQL-compatible distributed database, with portability across the cloud, multi-cloud, and on-premises.  

    “Modernization is increasingly a priority for enterprises that depend on mainframe infrastructure,” says Howard Weale, VP, Global Systems Integrators at Cockroach Labs. “The maturation of the public cloud services AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) has given them an opportunity to rethink their applications, from an on-prem perspective to cloud-based. By modernizing their applications to run in a cloud-native environment, they take advantage of all the cloud services and products that weren’t available to them on-prem.”

    Howard Weale, VP Global System Integrators, Cockroach Labs

    Howard Weale is VP, Global System Integrators, Cockroach Labs

    Mission Critical Modernization Copy Icon

    With their high processing power and proven track record following decades of service in finance, healthcare, government, and other sectors, it’s understandable why many mainframe-based enterprises have not yet migrated onto cloud-native architectures. However, once data architects see that the CockroachDB cloud native database delivers always-on customer experiences, scales effortlessly to meet demand, and expands easily to new geographies, their perspective evolves. 

    “Until CockroachDB arrived, there hadn’t been a database that provided the same resilience and service qualities of mainframe databases,” Weale explains. “Then enterprises realize that CockroachDB can deliver 99.999% availability, while being much faster and more cost effective. Our unique capabilities make us ideal for mission critical workloads, no matter what the vertical.” 

    mLogica’s 20+ years of experience includes refactoring over 300,000 databases and successfully completing more than 1,000 projects. By partnering with mLogica, Cockroach Labs has teamed with an established leader in driving enterprise modernization – one that’s proven as resilient as CockroachDB. “mLogica brings a wealth of experience to complex modernization projects,” says Weale. “We’ve seen that mLogica does not walk away from tough challenges: They deliver success. They’re the best. It’s really that simple.”    

    Ready to discover how our partnership with mLogica can assist in your modernization journey? Visit here to learn more.

    mainframe modernization
    database modernization