Jessica Edwards has been marketing for technical products and companies for a dog's age, and worked with non-profits for years before moving into the tech space. She has a deep love of storytelling, education, knowledge-sharing, and community building. After 13 years in NYC, she recently moved to Portland, OR. She is still getting used to the rain.
Global financial data firm's database migration from Oracle to CockroachDB
A global financial data firm migrated off its legacy Oracle infrastructure, creating a single hybrid, geo-partitioned deployment of CockroachDB. Frustrated by its legacy Oracle database architecture, a major American financial data firm wanted to consolidate its legacy databases and migrate to public cloud infrastructure.
Jessica Edwards
February 8, 2021
GCP outpaces Azure, AWS in the 2021 Cloud Report
The 2021 Cloud Report stands on benchmarks. Now in its third year, our report is more precise than ever, capturing an evaluation of Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure (Azure), and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) that tells realistic and universal performance stories on behalf of mission-critical OLTP applications.
Jessica Edwards
January 15, 2021
SIGMOD 2020: Cockroach Labs publishes research paper on CockroachDB
Over the past few months, a team of our engineers, technical writers, product managers, and sales engineers codified the research and learnings of CockroachDB and are now contributing this knowledge back into the very system from which we have benefited with the hope of further advancing distributed systems research and design. The research paper, "CockroachDB: The Resilient Geo-Distributed SQL Database", is a labor of love that we are honored to have published by SIGMOD, the Association for Computing Machinery's (ACM) Special Interest Group on Management of Data, which specializes in large-scale data management problems.
Jessica Edwards
June 10, 2020
3 programs to support developers and COVID-19 frontline workers
The global pandemic has changed the way we live and work. Work-from-home has become the new normal. Web and application traffic patterns have been turned upside-down. These abrupt transitions have added stress not only to our daily lives but also to our infrastructure and business applications. In response to these dramatic shifts, Cockroach Labs is launching new programs to better support our fellow developers and the greater community of those affected by COVID-19.
Jessica Edwards
May 14, 2020
Acks-giving, or how we give thanks at Cockroach Labs
For many people, interactions in the workplace and connections between coworkers are deeply important to overall wellbeing. We learned in the early days of Cockroach Labs that expressing gratitude and praise for the good work of our peers was deeply important to our culture, and that there existed a desire to acknowledge and appreciate each other publicly. This developed into what we call “peer acks”, short for peer acknowledgments, a forum for celebrating the good work of our peers.
Jessica Edwards
November 27, 2019
Agnostic and awesome” — 5 multi-cloud talks you don’t want to miss at ESCAPE/19
Would you believe us if we told you the word “multi-cloud” was banned from one of the top 3 Big Cloud shows? We couldn’t believe it either. So we wanted to create a wholly different type of show where this concept would actually take main stage… and we have. ESCAPE/19 is a conference where next generation infrastructure will be explored at depth across both technical and business challenges we will all face in our multi-cloud futures. Where else could you hear about the ethics of the cloud or get a pragmatic viewpoint on where we stand as an industry on the technology required to make multi-cloud happen?
Jessica Edwards
October 4, 2019
Kindred Futures and Cockroach Labs partner to build next-generation global online gaming platform
We are excited to announce a partnership with Kindred Futures to build the next generation global online gaming platform for their parent company Kindred Group plc. Kindred is a rapidly growing, global business with strict data privacy and technical requirements. Their ambitious project to build a global online gaming platform with multiple active data centers that span continents is an exciting opportunity for our team. Furthermore, the close collaboration between our engineering teams is helping to shape the development of CockroachDB, starting with a design partnership for a geo-partitioning feature planned for the 1.2 release.
Jessica Edwards
October 16, 2017
[podcast] Unscripted founders Q&A on CockroachDB 1.0
Join the Cockroach Labs founders for an unscripted conversation about the dirty details building 1.0 and in achieving consensus across three co-founders. What do they wish they could have made it into the 1.0 release? What are they most excited about in this production-ready release? And what happens when they disagree with each other?
Jessica Edwards
May 11, 2017
Launching the CockroachDB Community Forum
As CockroachDB has grown over the last 30+ months of development, avenues for communicating between users and developers have proliferated. We started with GitHub, then created a Google Group, then an info@ email, then another Google Group, a Gitter room, and on we went. And while getting in touch with our developers is easier than ever (I suppose we don’t have Snapchat yet…), we hadn’t made a concerted effort to centralize our community’s brainpower – but that’s changing! Today we are launching the CockroachDB Community Forum, a place to ask how-tos, query others about best practices, and receive dev notices like our recent upgrade to Go 1.7.
Jessica Edwards
August 10, 2016