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sharding web


Why sharding is bad for business

My current employer uses sharded and replicated Postgres via RDS. Even basic things like deploying schema changes to every shard are an unbelievable pain in the ass, and changing the number of shards on a major database is a high-touch, multi-day operation. After having worked with Spanner in the past, it’s like going back to the stone age, like we’re only a step above babysitting individual machines in a closet. Nobody should do this. — HackerNews user GeneralMayhem

 Michelle Gienow

Michelle Gienow

April 12, 2023

Webinar image for LP desktop Scale Happens


Vertical vs. horizontal scaling: What’s the difference and which is better?

So you need to scale. That’s a good problem to have! But should you scale up or scale out? There’s no easy answer, so let’s take a closer look at horizontal scaling vs. vertical scaling , how they compare, and what the pros and cons are for each approach.


Charlie Custer

April 10, 2023



What is the CockroachDB Cloud API and why should you use It?

In this post you’ll learn about the CockroachDB Cloud API and how I’ve used it to create an application Dashboard with Next.js. Using the API you can build a custom interface to meet your organization’s needs, or perform various tasks relating to your database infrastructure. I’ll also explain how I’ve used NextAuth.js to create conditional authorization rules to facilitate greater control over the functionality. You can get a feel for what I’ve built using the links below. 🚀 Preview: https://www.cockroachlabs.com/demos/demo-cloud-api/ ⚙️ GitHub: https://github.com/cockroachdb/demo-cloud-api/


Paul Scanlon

April 5, 2023



Why Fortune 50 banks are leaving traditional RDBMS for CockroachDB

In the world of finance, changing databases is usually pretty rare. When you’re in charge of other people’s money — several trillion dollars of it, in the case of one of the banks discussed in this article — even small changes could represent major risks. That’s why even today, many banks still run systems based on legacy relational databases such as Oracle, IBM, and PostgreSQL — often the same databases they were using 10 or even 20 years ago.


Charlie Custer

March 21, 2023



What is fault tolerance, and how to build fault-tolerant systems

November 25, 2020. If you work in tech infrastructure, that’s a date you probably remember. On that day, AWS’s US-east-1 experienced a significant outage, and it broke a pretty significant percentage of the internet. Adobe, League of Legends, Roku, Sirius XM, Amazon, Flickr, Giphy, and many, many more experienced issues or went offline completely as a result of the outage.


Charlie Custer

March 14, 2023

cockroachdb in jpmorganchase-by-ana-hill-1


An electronics giant saved millions after migrating from MySQL to CockroachDB

Upgrading and modernizing your database can sound like an expensive proposition. But it doesn’t have to be. One major electronics company found that shifting from MySQL to CockroachDB saved them $700,000 in their first year, earning them a 149% ROI.


Charlie Custer

March 2, 2023



Converting cloud provider regions into country flags

Learn how Paul created an open source JavaScript utility package to help convert cloud provider region codes into real locations and country flags.


Paul Scanlon

February 17, 2023



Distributed transactions: What, why, and how to build a distributed transactional application

Transactions make up an important part of the database workload for most modern applications. And when it comes time to scale up operations for a growing business, distributing those workloads across multiple hardware systems for horizontal scalability, high availability, and fault tolerance is often an important part of the plan.


Charlie Custer

February 16, 2023



Building a sports betting application to handle ‘Big Game’ traffic

The popularity of sports betting, also called real-money gaming, is exploding. And at least in the US, there’s no bigger moment for sports betting than this weekend. The NFL’s championship game – you know, the game with the name we’re not allowed to say – is likely to be watched by around 100 million people. And with the growing legality and popularity of sports betting apps in the US, it is very likely this game will see more money flowing through betting apps than ever before.


Charlie Custer

February 9, 2023

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