Charlie is a former teacher, tech journalist, and filmmaker who’s now combined those three professions into writing and making videos about databases and application development (and occasionally messing with NLP and Python to create weird things in his spare time).
How to get started with CockroachDB Dedicated
Distributed, cloud-native databases are the future, but setting one up is complicated, right? It doesn’t have to be! In fact, you can register for free and set up a new CockroachDB Dedicated database in the time it takes to make a bowl of ramen:
Charlie Custer
July 28, 2021
Case Studies
How to do a Postgres database migration: Tips from LaunchDarkly
What’s the best way to do a database migration? It’s a challenging question. No single approach is going to be the best fit for every use case. However, after speaking with LaunchDarkly Senior Distributed Systems Engineer Justin Caballero in a recent webinar, we think LaunchDarkly’s migration from Postgres and MongoDB to CockroachDB presents some great database migration best practices.
Charlie Custer
July 26, 2021
DBmarlin helps CockroachDB customers optimize performance
When the performance of your SQL database drops suddenly, do you know why? Tracking performance and linking cause to effect can be tricky with real-world database systems. DBAs, architects, and SREs are often working with multiple database systems, each with multiple databases in various states of development, testing, and production. These systems are often mixed between one or more cloud providers and self-hosted servers. On top of that, the performance of each database is influenced by auto-scaling, constantly-shifting workloads, engineering changes and updates, and more!
Charlie Custer
July 6, 2021
Case Studies
How to store billions of files with CockroachDB and Kubernetes
Optimal Systems came to CockroachDB with the best kind of problem: they had become too successful. Optimal was founded in 1991 to meet the European Space Agency’s need to archive its satellite photos. Decades of successful growth saw the storage product they built for the ESA evolve and expand to serve clients in more than 30 countries.
Charlie Custer
June 23, 2021
How they survived a database outage: 3 companies share stories
Imagine this: you work in system architecture for a multibillion-dollar consumer-facing business, and it’s the middle of a busy weekend. Suddenly, your database goes down. Transactions aren’t processing. Customers are angry. Logistical issues are stacking up because inventory and warehouse tracking are down. Customer service reps are swamped, but half of the technical staff are twiddling their thumbs because they can’t do their work without a functional database.
Charlie Custer
June 3, 2021
Scale & Resilience
How DoorDash manages 1.9PB and 1.2M QPS across 300 clusters
How does DoorDash keep 1.9PB of data and 1.2M QPS highly available? That’s the kind of question that keeps enterprise engineers up at night. And while the right database software can make it easier, achieving high availability at scale is never easy.
Charlie Custer
February 7, 2024