
Charlie Custer

Senior Technical Content Marketer

Charlie is a former teacher, tech journalist, and filmmaker who’s now combined those three professions into writing and making videos about databases and application development (and occasionally messing with NLP and Python to create weird things in his spare time).

Read more articles from this author

3 lessons from a highly successful database migration and modernization

Modernizing the data layer in your stack can be hugely beneficial, but it can also be risky. Here are three lessons Spreedly learned in their modernization efforts.


Charlie Custer

December 19, 2023


Why multi-cloud: the 5 best reasons, according to experts

There’s a lot of hype around multi-cloud, but that doesn’t mean adopting a multi-cloud architecture is right for everyone. So what are the "right" reasons to adopt it?


Charlie Custer

December 11, 2023



How to change your database schema with no downtime

Just the thought of updating the database schema is enough to give some developers and architects a headache. Designing a good schema is hard enough. Updating it once it’s in production? That has to be a nightmare. Right? Well, historically it certainly has been! But it doesn’t have to be. Let’s take a look at the options for dealing with database schema, and learn how live schema changes solve challenges with both traditional relational databases and NoSQL document-store alternatives.


Charlie Custer

December 8, 2023


The best cloud strategy? Crawl, walk, run.

Running a legacy RDBMS on-prem but dreaming of multi-cloud distributed SQL? It can become reality – but only if you approach the project in the right way.


Charlie Custer

November 29, 2023


Why DoorDash migrated from Aurora Postgres to CockroachDB

Aurora Postgres makes scaling reads easy, but writes are limited to a single node, and that limitation took DoorDash's entire application offline for hours.


Charlie Custer

November 28, 2023



Inventory management on Black Friday: Challenges and solutions

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are like the Superbowl for retailers. Instead of point spreads, though, e-commerce companies are betting on peak sales numbers. But while the deluge of deals evokes dreams of dollars for CEOs, the surging site traffic can be more of a nightmare for CTOs. The onslaught of shoppers puts huge amounts of stress on their application architecture. In this scenario, even a minor problem with inventory management can cause major consequences.


Charlie Custer

November 17, 2023


Multi-cloud demystified: pros, cons, and considerations according to the experts

Multi-cloud is not easy. Dig into our free report on the current state of multi-cloud, which contains expert advice from on-the-ground experts on pitfalls to avoid, best practices, and more.


Charlie Custer

November 14, 2023


City Storage Systems: CockroachDB on Kubernetes at global scale

Here's how City Storage Systems built a highly available, highly performant persistence layer that works for mission-critical workloads at global scale WITHOUT needing a massive team.


Charlie Custer

November 7, 2023


How to dynamically map Azure managed identities to CockroachDB SQL users

Here's how companies using Azure can allow access to CockroachDB for all approved users by dynamically mapping users in Azure Active Directory to a matching SQL user created in CockroachDB.


Charlie Custer

November 3, 2023


The Halloween Problem: a spooky (and true) SQL story

The Halloween Problem is a rare but scary issue that can haunt relational databases, mutating your data in unexpected ways if you're not careful.


Charlie Custer

October 31, 2023

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